January 28, 2012

Week 4 - Self Portrait

I wasn't crazy about the assignment this week. As I was looking through the 20 or so different photos I had taken for this one, my husband points to the one above and said it was his favorite - the one with no make-up, hair pulled out of a ponytail after working all day, checking the position of my tripod for shots I took later that afternoon. Have I mentioned how wonderful my husband is yet?

January 20, 2012

Week 3 - I dreamed a dream

Another week of very little camera activity for me. My work situation was supposed to be a bit different this year - it's not. That's both good and bad. We'll see where we end up this summer. I'm glad I have this project to hold me to at least one pic a week. The photo above is significant because it's a one-shot picture, all in manual including manual focus with only light coming in through closed blinds - any additional light or the sound of the auto focus would have woke him up as the snapping of this photo did.

He's been telling me about his dreams lately, they're mostly about Superman and clouds. So interesting because he's still working on figuring out the difference between dreams and reality. Aren't we all....

January 14, 2012

Week 2 - Made with love

Sometimes it's still hard to believe that this bear is cuddled up with a little boy here in the same house with me.

Not a lot of photography work for me this week.... I did play around with white balance a bit this morning while taking this in Manual mode but that's about all.

January 07, 2012

Week 1 - Resolution

I've taken a pretty long break from blogging. When I saw this photo project, I thought it was the perfect combination to motivate me to pick up the camera a bit more and get back to blogging again.

Resolutions... Goals... Who likes to make those at the beginning of the year with everyone reading? Starting a 52 week project the first week of January sort of feels like something that might go on that list.

Running a 5k with no walking seems like something I might put on mine. But I'm not.

The only thing that I'm sure about this year is that I hope to take a break from my career for at least a few months this summer and spend some time with the little guy above before he starts school in the fall.

I didn't choose this picture because it's a great photo. I'm quite the lazy photographer. I LIKE to shoot in auto. Yep. I said it here on a photo project blog. I'll switch out to a different lens before I go manual, that's how lazy I am. Yes, I have an expensive camera and it's usually in auto. Occasionally I'll go into aperture or shutter priority. This photo is significant because it was shot in manual.

So if I'm making a resolution for 2012, it's that I'll shoot at least 51 more pictures in manual mode this year and quit being such a lazy photographer.